the funky angel

Posted: 08/29/2011 in house of fools

i looked for an angel

i looked near and far

then i found an angel

with a big




i said, angel tell me please

when does it get easier,

easier than this?

he said…

not in this life, babe

not in this skin

not in a week, not any time

you think to ask again;

not in this life

not in this skin.

i said you’re one funky angel

with some ragged funky wings

tomorrow could be sweetly blessed

and easier than this.

but he said…

not in this life, babe

not in this skin

not in a week, not any time

you think to ask again.


  1. hedgewitch says:

    Coal, you are bringin it tonight. I got chills up and down *all* the vertebrae on that chorus.

  2. ayala says:

    nice write!

  3. not in this life, babe
    not in this skin
    not in a week, not any time
    you think to ask again;

    Knockout tonight! Could hear a husky Nico kind of chorus for this one, sweetly dark and out of tune.

  4. “with a big fat funky cigar” … Awesome. : )

  5. dani says:

    i was not trying to copy you…. however, after reading this poem i totally changed the angel post i had started. it’ll be up in awhile. i am not capable of writing anything as good as this but you did inspire my “guardian” angel. {smile}

    i want to hold onto hope that “tomorrow could be sweetly blessed” but your funky angel may be right.

    your poetry just keeps taking it up a level with every post ~ are you gonna climb past heaven? ♥

  6. brian says:

    nicely done coal…there is always the next life to have a bit of fun though…long as you dont come back as a dung beetle…

  7. Pat Hatt says:

    haha a great piece, was a fun read, while at the same time deep. Hopefully we can at least have fun at some point along the way.

  8. Coal, I always love what you serve up, and tonight is no exception. The funky angel, tattered wings and cigar – people think angels are white and blonde and carry harps and have no gender. Hey, in my world, angels know what the hell is up and when to show up. They offer advice, and we take it or leave it. “Not in this skin…” Crap! That was the bummer for me. Hope your tomorrow is sweetly blessed… and happy “dversity”! Amy

  9. […] blame} with two other poets {they may very well wish i wouldn’t} ~ Coal Black‘s poem “the funky angel”  changed the direction i was taking by 180 degrees; and i must give credit for the exit line […]

  10. Brendan says:

    I’ve never seen an angel do the funky chicken, but I think your funky angel owes us one for such scorched-earth advice.

  11. Mama Zen says:

    What happens if you punch an angel?

  12. Claudia says:

    ha nice…so you should have asked him for a cigar and smoked the day away….good stuff shay

  13. Ahhh, a poem L. Cohen did not get to first I see.


  14. what a write,

    simply words, powerful impacts.
    well done.


  15. lolamouse says:

    What kind of answer did you expect from a fat angel with a cigar?

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